American Artists
In Stock:
Sakoguchi, Ben
Salloch, Henry Emil
Saltzman, Marvin
Sanchez, Jose
Sandzen, Sven Birger
Sawyer, Philip Ayer
Sayre, Fred Grayson
Scammon, Lawrence Norris
Scanga, Italo
Schaffer, Rose R.
Schaldach, William Joseph
Schanker, Louis
Schardt, Bernard P.
Schiffleger, Carol
Schifrin, Arnold Theodore
Schlater, Katherine
Schmidt, Jerry A.
Schmidt, Karl
Schneider, Otto J.
Schonwalter, Jean Frances
Schouten, Rob
Schutz, Anton Joseph Friedrich
Schwaberow, Micah
Schwartz, William Samuel
Scott, Jonathan Hartley Folliott
Scott, Sandy
Seawell, Thomas Robert
Seem, Olga
Seidler, Doris
Seligmann, Kurt
Serisawa, Sueo
Sersen, Fred M.
Sessler, Alfred A.
Sewell, Amos
Seyler, David Warren
Sharp, William Alexander
Shaw, Charles G.
Sheets, Millard Owen
Sheridan, Joseph Marsh
Sherwood, William Anderson
Shuey, George
Siedman, Scott
Siegl, Helen K.
Siegriest, Louis Bassi
Silberstein, Bernard G.
Silverman, Melvin Frank
Simmonds, Julie
Simon, Howard
Simon-Atirnomis, Rita
Singer, Gail
Siskind, Aaron
Sklar, Dorothy
Slater, Jean E
Sloan, James Blanding
Sloan, John French
Slusser, Jean Paul
Smillie, James
Smillie, James David
Smilow, Mel
Smith, Charles William
Smith, Clifford
Smith, Cora A.
Smith, Howard Everett
Smith, Joseph Anthony
Smith, William Horace
Snyder, Joan
Sondag, Alphonse Emile
Sorman, Steven
Southey, Trevor
Soyer, Raphael
Spahr, Herlinde
Sparks, Will
Spitzer, James
Spohn, Clay Edgar
Spruance, Benton Murdoch
Stackpole, Adele Barnes
Stanton, John Aloysius
Stapleton, Robert Dallas
Stasack, Edward Armen
Staschen Triest, Shirley Adena
Stasik, Andrew
Steele, Juliette
Steinbach, Herbert R.
Stern, Alexander
Sternberg, Harry
Sterner, Albert Edward
Stevens, Arthur
Stillman, George
Stockton, Don and June
Stodart, Richard
Stone, Gwen
Stout, Richard Gordon
Strawn, Melvin Nicholas
Strike, Norman
Stroh, Earl W.
Struss, Ethel Wall
Sturges, Dwight Case
Stussy, Jan
Sugita, Toru
Sultan, Donald
Summers, Carol
Sunday, Elisabeth
Surendorf, Charles Frederick
Sutter, Mrs. Allen L.
Sutton, Marjorie Love
Suvero, Mark di
Svat, Terry
Swensen, Jane L.
Swift, Dick
Out of Stock:
- Saar, Betye
- Saccaro, John M.
- Safford, Charles Putnam
- Sallors, Henry
- Saltonstall, Elizabeth
- Sanborn, Herbert James
- Sanchez, Emilio
- Sanchez, Pico
- Sandona, Matteo
- Sandy, Percy "Kai-Sa" Tsisete
- Sarason, Henry Michael
- Sarlin, Louis
- Satorsky, Cyril
- Sauerwein, Frank Paul
- Saunders, Raymond
- Schapiro Brach, Miriam
- Scharff, Constance Kramer
- Schmitz, Arlo
- Schoeb, William
- Scholder, Fritz W.
- Schooley, Elmer Wayne
- Schoppe, Palmer
- Schrader, Julie
- Schrag, Karl
- Schreiber, Georges
- Schroeder, Lynn Robert
- Schultheiss, Carl Max
- Schwartz, Lester O.
- Scott, Frank Edwin
- Seaberg, Kurt
- Seeds, Elise Cavanna
- Seeganna, Peter
- Seegert, Helen M.
- Serra, Richard
- Seward, Coy Avon
- Sewell, Helen Moore
- Shackelford, Shelby
- Shafter Feyler, Helen
- Shahn, Ben
- Shames, Stephen
- Shaub, Paul
- Shaw, Charles Green
- Sheirr, Olga
- Shelton, William Henry
- Sherman, Hoyt Leon
- Sherman, Russell
- Sherwin, C. Allen
- Shields, Francis Bernard
- Shiffer, B. Van
- Shipounoff, Dimitri
- Shokler, Harry
- Shopen, Kenneth
- Shore, Henrietta
- Shoulberg, Harry
- Shuster, William Howard
- Silberger, Manuel G.
- Simmons, William
- Sindelar, Charles Joseph
- Sister Marie Teresa, Josephine Kirby AKA
- Skinner, Charlotte Butler
- Skov, Christian Petersen
- Slobodin, Jean Berryhill
- Slobodkina, Esphyr
- Smeaton, Ethel M.
- Smith, Alice Ravenel Huger
- Smith, David
- Smith, Hassel Wendell
- Smith, Jules Andre
- Smith, Lawrence Beall
- Smith, M.
- Smith, Moishe
- Smith, Pamela Colman
- Smith, Percy
- Smith, Wuanita
- Soldner, Paul
- Sommer, William
- Sonenberg, Jack
- Sorini, Emiliano
- Sottosanti, Angelo Anthony
- Soyer, Isaac
- Soyer, Moses
- Spalding, Elisabeth
- Spears, Ethel
- Spellmon, Fronzell Doc
- Spencer, Christine
- Spratt, Alberte Wilson
- Stackpole, Peter
- Stackpole, Ralph Ward
- Stanhope, Elmer H.
- Stavenitz, Alexander Raoul
- Steele, Zulma DeLacey
- Steffen, Bernard Joseph
- Steinberg, Saul
- Stella, Frank Philip
- Sternbergs, Janis Karlis
- Sterne, Maurice H.
- Stevens, Thomas Wood
- Stevenson, Beulah Elsie
- Stiles, Knute
- Still, Clyfford
- Stillman, Hyman Ary
- Stirling, Glen
- Stokes, Dudley R.
- Stoll, John Theodor Edward
- Storrs, John Henry Bradley
- Stors, F.
- Strate, Walter
- Stratton, Dorothy
- Strickland, Phyllis Alba
- Strombotne, James
- Strong, Harris G.
- Sturges, Lee
- Sugarman, Matthew Lamoureux
- Summers, Ivan F.
- Surgalski, Patrick
- Sutphin, Donald
- Sutton, Ruth Haviland
- Suzuki, Iwao Lewis
- Suzuki, James Hiroshi
- Swann, James
- Swartz, Harold C.
- Swift, Nancy
- Swinnerton, James Guilford
- Szukalski, Stanislaw