This simple but powerful lithograph by El Taller de Grafica Popular (TGP) printmaker Francisco Dosamantes depicts a modern Mexican madonna, an 'indio mexicana' (Indigena), seated in a field, dressed all in white (Blanca) and surrounded by an aura of light as she seems to be protected by her environment.
After graduating from the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plasticas, Dosamantes worked at various cultural missions from 1932 to 1945 where he worked with the rural farm workers and became a champion of their causes.
In 1945 he founded and directed the Taller Escuela de Dibujo y Pintura. He was a member of Liga de Escritores y Artistas Revolucionarios between 1934 and 1938. Dosamantes was a member of the LEAR in the mid 1930s, before joining the TGP in 1937.
Prior to 1937 2Amantes studied at the Academia de San Carlos and, in 1928, was a part of the painters' organization Treinta-treinta. In 1937 he became a founding member of the Taller de Gra¡fica Popular (TGP). In 1940 he became the secretary general of the Sindicato de Maestros de Artes Plásticas.