From Piper Jaramillo's Festival of Light: the Color Woodcuts of Micah Schwaberow: "Teacher/potter/sculptor Jean Yates first introduced me to Ethiopian manuscript illumination twenty years ago, and my fondness for their lively colors and forms has only grown over the years. I have tried to translate their exuberance into the language of woodblock prints as faithfully as the medium and my skill would allow, preserving every quirk, quaver and curiosityof the original that I could, and intruding my own ego as little as possible. My role in this project is that of enthusiastic technician. My hope is that these prints, albeit in a small way, can help to heal a tragedy." (P. 35, Festival of Light: the Color Woodcuts of Micah Schwaberow. Cambria, CA. Mission Gallery Art, Inc., 2024).
The proceeds from the original sales of these prints, which were part of a collection of prints he titled "In Praise of Ethiopian Magic Scrolls," were donated to Oxfam America, and earmarked for Ethiopian famine relief.