A depiction of the former site of Sutter Hospital on Chanate Road in Santa Rosa, California. Gertrude Stone Brooks captures the elegant structure, designed by architect John Easterly, sprawled against a background of gently rolling holls dotted with oaks - a classic Northern California scene.
Featuring elements of Spanish Revival and Art Deco design, the hospital was partially constructed with funds from the Public Works Administration, a division of the WPA, during the Depression. It opened on April 24, 1937, and operated until 2014 after falling into disrepair. It had been known as one of the leading federally funded mental health operations in the U.S. until national policy change ended its critical funding. It continued to be a last-hope stop for many who were uninsured, until the building was deemed too unstable and the medical center was relocated.
The fate of the 72-acre campus now hangs in the balance as some try to save the historic building from destruction. This image captures a peaceful moment in the history of Sonoma County's storied Chanate Road hospital.