Italian sculptor and printmaker Arnaldo Pomodoro returned to Northern California between 1968 and 1970 to install a sculpture titled "Colonna Inter a recisa" (Severed Column) at the University of California in Berkeley. He also returned to work with Collectors Press on a series of color lithographs that explored the subject of slashing a column at an angle in two dimensions.
Pomodoro titled the prints of the series "Colonna recisa trasversalmente" (Transversely Severed Column). They were printed in 2 editions by Editions Press Master Printer Charles Ringness in San Francisco. There were 35 impressions printed in yellow-gold, published by Collector's Press and an edition of 40, published by Marlborough Graphics in New York.
This image has a delicate embossed line, over-printed with a white ink over blue and black and a bright silver foil. The lines appear to keep the column suspended in air.